Thursday, October 31, 2013

Create a Personal Challenge for yourself

As winter approaches I always seem to struggle.  All of my commitment to diet and exercise has started to wane, as it seems to every year at this time.  I think I'm using this blog to pump myself up and get myself back to 'me.'

Last month, I completed my first half marathon. I felt I needed to do this to continue to challenge myself and because God has given me a body that is able to - so why not?!   Think you can't do this?  I can assure you - you CAN!!!  I simply followed a 3 times per week training plan and started from step #1.  My goal was simply to finish and I did.  It was tough, but doable.  I never plan to run a marathon, but I do plan to do the 13.1 distance again. What I learned through this challenge is that pushing through the barriers in your mind can truly set you free.  Our minds truly can limit what we do and change how we are feeling.  Running, because every step is hard for me, helps me to get inside my mind and challenge my beliefs and what is possible.  It is parallel to challenges you face in life and how you choose to perceive them.  It also reminded me how people in your life make all the difference.  I had an AWESOME cheering section of friends and family that popped up all along the route.  The encouragement and love they shared, especially near the end when it got really tough for me, was phenomenal.  What a difference they made - I can say if they weren't there my perception of that run would have changed 100%.  Just like in life, it is the people you surround yourself with and the love that gets you through.  Remember, just one word or one act of kindness can entirely change someone's journey.

The Tough Warrior Princesses are also trying to promote the lifestyle approach to doing what is in your control to prevent cancer.  We are working to partner with business in fitness and health.  We are currently working with the YWCA of Newburyport to plan a triathlon.  The difference with this triathlon is that it will be doable for all -- you swim in the pool at the YWCA at your pace -- you swim for a time limit - not a distance.  You swim your distance - your way.  Some might make a 1/2 mile or more -- I know I will dog paddle my way across the pool.  Same with the bike - we will use stationary bikes.  Then we will use the Newburyport Rail Trail for the run/walk portion.  Start thinking about challenging yourself to do this.  More details to follow in the coming months.  TRY our TRI!!!

Please, please vote!!!!  The Anna Jacques hospital is opening the Gerrish Breast Center and in promoting the new endeavor, they have entered a national video contest.  If they win the video contest, The Tough Warrior Princesses will be awarded the $25,000 prize to further our mission of helping women with cancer.  Please go to and watch and VOTE Now.  Share with your friends and vote every day until November 8th.

TWP have a lot going on.  If you haven't seen our newsletter with event highlights.  Please click here!  We need you to join the army.  One small act that you take can really help us.  Whether it is hitting share on Facebook, liking our Tough Warrior Princess page, driving a patient to treatment, delivering a meal or sending a card.  We post our needs on our Facebook page, please join us there.  Upcoming events include a craft fair with wine, Dining for Dollars at the Longhorn Steakhouse and Emma's Pen Pal Adventure. The newsletter contains all of the details.

So, now I ask you.  What is your next Personal Challenge?  Is it to spend more time on yourself, take a walk every day, eat better, run a 5k. etc.   I need my next challenge.  Anyone have any ideas?

