Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dusting off the blog for a shameless ask.....

A blog post to do nothing but ask for $$$.  But, I wouldn't ask if I didn't believe. 

I am walking in May in the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. This 39 mile walk supports many institutions to fund various research initiatives including programs at Mass General, Dana Farber, Beth Israel and Harvard Medical School.  One of the research trials I personally find most interesting is a grant they have given to Tuft's University to study the link between environmental chemicals and breast cells.  They also donate money to community outreach to help those who can't afford treatment and to programs to help survivors. 

Why am I walking and what drives me to swallow my pride and ask for help???  In two letters -- MO!!!  I need to find a way to honor my friend Maurine, who impacted me beyond what I could ever describe.  I also want to do something to remember a beautiful little 9 year old girl named Emma, a 29 year old friend, Bridget, and my mom and Mike's mom and many others that I have witnessed be diagnosed with any type of cancer in the past few years.

But let me try to tell you about Mo, in case you didn't know her.  It was 4 years ago that I met Maurine.  I was just completing my breast cancer treatments at the time and Mo, well, she was dealing with a breast cancer recurrence and losing her hair for the second - but not the last time. It was fate that I met the woman who would change me forever.  The world has since lost, but will NEVER FORGET Maurine.  We walked together in the Komen 3Day to support breast cancer research.  It was magical and we walked again the next year and the year after that.  Many of you supported me then and I am so very thankful for that. There is a video done by New Balance documenting our walk first walk together that I will forever be grateful for. Please watch and get to know my friend Mo.  You won't easily forget her.

Now that you know a bit more about Mo - I can attest to the fact that she was awesome.  First - she was a light.  Her light shined wherever she went.  She was always happy and positive no matter what her circumstance and her circumstance really was never very good from the day I met her.  She always had a way with words and she was one of the funniest woman I have ever met.  No, I'll give the the title of the funniest.  She should have been a comedian.  She was a gift to me and so many - especially my children. They both say she became mom #2 to them and I have watched their pain at her passing.  We talk about her often.   You never really thought of Mo as sick, even though, deep down you knew she was very, very sick.  Her smil0e, one-liners and attitude carried her so far and she touched so many people. There literally is not a day that goes by that I don't think of her in some way. I watched her fight and smile and touch others until the very end.  Her giving is what touched me the most.  She gave 200% of herself to so many causes and so many people.  If we could all be half of what Mo taught the world to be....

I also choose to walk for personal and selfish reasons --  to ensure the future of my two daughters, who now have a line of breast cancer in their family and for my own future.  Because of my work with the Tough Warrior Princesses, I witness on a regular basis, the pain and struggles of those diagnosed with breast and other types of cancer.  It is heart-wrenching when you are surrounded by it on a regular basis.  There is so much need that comes with a diagnosis, all of which could be fulfilled with a cure.

I need to raise $1800 in the next 8 weeks and I find it appropriate that I am saying yes to this journey - even though I am a planner and need to do things MONTHS in advance.  Mo taught me to do things on a dime and not worry about the outcome.   She taught me people first.  When there was a need, she never said "no" or "I can't".  She simply organized the next fundraiser and somehow got the impossible done.  Period.   I know, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that Mo wants us to do this to help contribute to the research that may one day find the cure. 

Therefore, I ask for your help.  If you would like to donate, please go to:  My Avon Walk Page.

On another note:  There is still time to sign up for the Triathlon for the YWCA and Tough Warrior Princesses.  It is being held next weekend on March 23rd at the YWCA in Newburyport.  This is a triathlon for every BODY.  No worries if you aren't an athlete --- heck - I can't even swim.  I plan to dog paddle across the pool.  If you want to sign up or want more information go to our registration page.  It is a good way to practice for other events or just come out and be active for the day.  Teams are welcome too! 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your consideration. 
